A Look Back

Discover Our Past: Relive, Reflect, Reconnect
Hunger is not an issue of
charity. It is an issue of
Step into our archive of past events and relive the moments that have brought us together. From inspiring talks to unforgettable gatherings, explore the stories and experiences that have shaped our community. Whether you’re seeking inspiration or a trip down memory lane, our past events offer a rich tapestry of memories waiting to be rediscovered. Join us in celebrating the milestones that continue to inspire our journey forward.

“There is a need to extend community support to our local entrepreneurs - whichever step of their journey they're in and regardless of wherethey're located in our province. We're here to help how and when we can. ” -Ted Cadigan, Senior Business Consultant at YMCA NL ( Employment, Enterprise and Newcomer Services)

Once the full extent of our 2020 and 2021 data is brought into context Ianticipate that we'll see some severe challenges. I expect we'll seemore people move into a state of food insecurity for the first time -and those already experiencing it will face more intense levels of it." -Josh Smee, CEO of FoodFirstNL

"Food is being wasted and yet - everyday people are going hungry.We're trying to bridge the gap - while providing food is a temporarybandaid there are more deeply rooted policy changes that need tohappen." -Leah Kathleen, Head of NL Operations at SecondHarvest Food Rescue

“We can leverage the creation of food to help people from afood security perspective. There's many intersectingbenefits to this meaningful work, as it has the opportunityto instill life skills and employability skills in a positive,affirming environment.” - Rob McClellan, Operations at Stella's Circle

07 2023

8:30 AM Registration
9.15 AM Networking Breakfast
10:00 AM Keynote: Food Rescue As Climate Action: Stories Of Hope And Transformation
Speaker: Lori Nikkel, CEO of Second Harvest
10:30 AM Panel:From Policy to Action, Strategies for Combating Food Insecurity
Moderator: Mahmudul Islam Shourov, Chief Public Relations and Communications Officer, NL Eats Community Outreach Inc.Panelists:Josh Smee, CEO of Food First NLSydney Rice, Executive Member of Canadian Hydroponics AssociationKelly Heisz, Executive Director of Seniors NLRob McLean, Executive Director of Stella's Circle
12:00 PM Lunch and Networking
12:45 PM Empowering Vulnerable Populations: Adressing Food Insecurity and Social Development
Guest Speaker:Honourable John G. Abbott, Minister of Children,
Seniors and Social Development

1:30 PM Interactive Session - Understanding of Food Insecurity in NL: How these trickle down effects impact Newfoundlanders and health care
Hosted by: Dr. Erin Woolridge, Naturopath Doctor
2.15 PM Wellness Break
2:30 PM Workshop: Reimagining Local Food Production: Empowering Youth For A Sustainable Future
Hosted by: Saif Ahmed, B.Eng, PMP®, Data Scientist at Statistics Canada
Chief Innovation Officer at NL Eats Community Outreach Inc.
3:15 PM Workshop: Power of YOU(TH)
Hosted by: Adib Rahman, Program Manager at Wavemakers Inc.
Director of Marketing at NL Eats Community Outreach Inc.
3.45 PM Closing Remarks: NL Eats Team

“There is a need to extend community support to our local entrepreneurs - whichever step of their journey they're in and regardless of where they're located in our province. We're here to help how and when we can. ”

The future of food is not just about what we eat, but how we produce it.

"We're trying to bridge the gap -while providing food is a temporary bandaid there are more deeply rooted policy changes that need to happen."

10:00 AM: Opening Remarks
10:30 AM: Keynote Sessions
11:15 AM: AMA Session
11:45 PM: Pitch Competition : Kickoff
12:30 PM: Lunch
01:00 PM: Mentor Huddle : Pitch Prep
02:15 PM: Pitch Presentation
02:45 PM: Break
03:00 PM: Discussion Panel : Kickoff
04:15 PM: Judges Announce Winners
04:45 PM: Kitchen Party
06:00 PM: Wind Down
In 2021, we connected virtually at the inaugural Breaking Barriers to Food Insecurity Conference.
100+ Attendees
27000+ STREAMS
Meet the Voices Behind the Insights
Aisling Gogan
ConnectAssistant Deputy Minister at the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development @GovNL
Joanne Thompson
Member of Parliament,St. John's East